Friday, January 28, 2011

I'll bet you thought this post was going to be about Jimmer

Well, the whole nation seems to be consumed with Jimmer-mania. And admittedly, we've been a little obsessed at our home too.

But truthfully, my thoughts this morning have been completely consumed by one thing. And it's not basketball or how incredibly well my Cougars have been playing. Nope, not Jimmer. Just one thing. It's kind of a big thing. An important thing.

But here's the deal. I don't know what the thing is.

I'm obsessed with it. Ponder about it. Spend mornings and late into the night thinking about it. But I still don't know what it is.

In two weeks, it will be Ward Conference. I have to speak. And I have no idea what I'm going to talk about.

There. Now you know.

I guess it's not really fair to say, I have no idea. That's not really the trouble. It's that I have a multitude of ideas. Really good ideas. Unfortunately, these really good ideas have yet to come together in any kind of cohesive plan. Just scattered principles as if tossed about on the wind.

Guess I could give twelve two-minute talks. Yeah, that would be great.

Maybe I should just tell stories about Jimmer. :-)


Jesse C said...

The fact that you are consumed with it, means that the inspiration will come. I'm sure it will turn out great.

Leslie said...

Suggestion? Write your two-minute talks, or just whatever those thoughts are. Then, they'll be out of your head, so you can think more clearly, and with it in front of you, instead of jumbled inside, you may see how it all fits together, or may be able to see what is most important. Or, you might just write a really long run-on sentence.
Whenever I speak, I always pray that I will be able to prepare and share the message that He would have those who will be present hear. Then I try to write down those thoughts that come when I am pondering (or when I'm not).
Anyway, it seems a little silly that I am trying to give YOU talk advice! You will, as always, do a great job.

Shua said...

I already told you.

Verse 2. Behold, A Royal Army.



Leslie said...

So, ... how did it go?